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Cluckers are Livestock found on Large Islands.


Cluckers are one of the three domesticable animals. Cluckers are small birds that resemble chickens, turkeys or small ostriches. They can be captured on land with a Net Launcher, just like Goats and Llamas. After capturing them, the player may rename and carry them to a new location. They can die, if not fed enough. When dead, the Clucker will drop a Name Tag.

There are two types of rare Cluckers. Whereas the normal Clucker is all blue, the first rare Clucker is brown-bodied with a white hood. The second rare Clucker is predominantly red with a few white marks on its wings and tail. When discovering a Large Island and a Clucker is spawned, there is a 88% chance for it to be the standard type, 8% chance for the Type 1 rare, and 4% chance for the Type 2 rare. Catching either of the rare Cluckers unlocks the "Some Look Different!" achievement.

Like other Livestock, the Clucker becomes hungry after 8 minutes since last eating. If not fed, it will die after additional 10 minutes. While holding the animal or keeping it captured with the Net, these timers are paused.

Beware that a Clucker will not walk off the edge of your raft, but if the Shark destroys a foundation tile on the interior of your raft the Clucker may fall through. It will have approximately 4 minutes in the water before it dies.


  • The player can collect Eggs from the Clucker. Eggs drop in an interval of 4-6 minutes.
  • After taming a Clucker, the player may name it while holding it.


