Raft Wiki
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StatIcon Oxygen
The need to breathe to stay healthy.

Oxygen is a mechanic in Raft. Oxygen limits the amount of time a player can spend while underwater.

Summary[ | ]

Oxygen is the amount of air a player has whilst underwater. At base players can spend a total of 33 seconds underwater before they will start to drown. When a player's oxygen runs out, when wearing the Oxygen Bottle the player can spend a total of 58 seconds underwater before they will start to drown, the oxygen buff from the Salmon Salad allows the player to spend a total of 1 minute and 7 seconds underwater before they start to drown, combining the Salmon Salad Oxygen buff and Oxygen Mask will allow the player to spend a total of 1 minute and 50 seconds underwater before they start to drown, once their oxygen bar is fully depleted they will take damage, and will eventually die. A player's oxygen bar can be refilled by returning to the surface, however it does not refill immediately. Being low on either food or water will reduce the amount of time you can spend underwater down to 17 seconds.

When drowning, the player takes 3.5 damage per second. The means the player only has slightly over 28 seconds before they die, assuming they were at full health when they started drowning.

History[ | ]

Early Access
Update 9 Now have model texture